application and pagelifecycle Introduction In this article, we will try to understand what the different events are which take place right from the time the user sends a request, until the time the request is rendered on the browser. So we will first try to understand the two broader steps of an ASP.NET request and then we will move into different events emitted from ‘ HttpHandler ’, ‘ HttpModule ’ and ASP.NET page object. As we move in this event journey, we will try to understand what kind of logic should go in each and every one of these events. This is a small Ebook for all my .NET friends which covers topics like WCF, WPF, WWF, Ajax, Core .NET, SQL, etc. You can download the same from here or else you can catch me on my daily free training here . The Two Step Process From 30,000 feet level, ASP.NET request processing is a 2 step process as shown below. User sends a request to the IIS: ASP.NET creates an environment which can process the request. In other words, it crea...
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